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Prorate Calculation (Summary)

Basic prorate may happen due to employee who is newly hired, Resigned or basic rate increased in a period.

It may have different combination and scenarios, they could be:New Hire ( Single Service History on a period )

Basic Scenario

A. New Hire ( Single Service History on a period, Single Cycle )

B. New Resign ( Single Service History on a period, Single Cycle )

C. New Increment ( Single Service History on a period, Single Cycle )

D. New Hire ( Single Service History on a period, Single Cycle ) with Non-Standard Cut Off

E. New Resign ( Single Service History on a period, Single Cycle ) with Non-Standard Cut Off

F. New Increment ( Single Service History on a period, Single Cycle ) with Non-Standard Cut Off

G. New Hire ( Single Service History on a period, Two-Cycle )

H. New Resign ( Single Service History on a period, Two-Cycle )

I. New Increment ( Single Service History on a period, Two-Cycle )

J. New Hire ( Single Service History on a period, Two-Cycle ) with Non-Standard Cut Off

K. New Resign ( Single Service History on a period, Two-Cycle ) with Non-Standard Cut Off

L. New Increment ( Single Service History on a period, Two-Cycle ) with Non-Standard Cut Off

Intermediate Scenario

G. Hire + Resign

H. Hire + Increment

I. Increment + Resign

J. Hire + Resign + Non Standard CutOff

K. Hire + Increment + Non Standard CutOff

L. Hire + Non Standard CutOff (Multi)

M. Resign + Non Standard CutOff (Multi)

N. Increment + Non Standard CutOff (Multi)

Advance Scenario

O. ReHire + Resign

Resign + Rehire (Can not handle)

P. ReHire + Increment

Q. Increment + Resign (Rehire)

R. Rehire + Resign + Non Standard CutOff

S. Rehire + Increment + Non Standard CutOff

T. ReHire + Non Standard CutOff (Multi)

U. Resign + Non Standard CutOff (Multi) (Rehire)

V. Increment + Non Standard CutOff (Multi) (Rehire)

W. Hire + Inc + Res (less)

X. Hire + Inc + Inc (less)

Y. Resign + Rehire + Resign

Z. Change ComputeMethod in the middle of period (Unable to Handle at

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