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Add “PSU/WSP Qualified” Wording on Payslip As PSU Qualified Company.
- Login in to iFlexiHRMS, Goto Payroll Report -> Payslip, Select the Report which you wish to customized for PSU Payslip, then click on “DESIGN” link as illustrated below (Figure 1) to enter Report Designer.

2. Drag a Label out from the Toolbox at the left pane of Report Designer. (As Figure 2)

(Figure 2)
3. Double click on label to change the Wording to “ABC Sdn. Bhd. merupakan penerima bantuan subsidi upah daripada kerajaan melalui Program Subsidi Upah (PSU)”. – (As Figure 3)

(Figure 3)
4) Save the customized layout for preview and use.
Add “PSU/WSP Qualified” Wording on Payslip As PSU Qualified Company.
- Duplicate above iFlexiHRMS payslip and save the report layout to a new report name, you can name it as “e-payslip”.
2. Follow the step which you do for iFlexiHRMS payslip. Add “PSU/WSP Qualified” into this report layout and save this report.
3. Open your browser and go to ESS system.

4. Go to “Admin” -> “General Setting” -> “General”

- Go to tab “e-Pay”.
- Click on “Import Latest Report Listing”.
- Make sure you select a correct “e-Payslip” format.
- Click on “Update” button to save your latest report design in ESS.
5. Now, you can go to preview staff’s payslip.