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Kid Relief not updated with Increment QDE Update.

declare @empno varchar(12)
declare @date date

set @date = '2021-3-31'

declare curEmp Cursor for select empno from employeemaster where active='Y'

open curEmp

fetch next from curEmp into @empno

update employeeservicehistory set NoOfChildB18 = (select top 1 NoOfChildB18 from EmployeeServiceHistory where effectivedate <=@date and empno=@empno) where effectivedate>=@date and recordtype in (select RecordType from EmployeeServiceRecordType where GroupType='salary') and empno=@empno
update employeeservicehistory set NoOfChildA18 = (select top 1 NoOfChildA18 from EmployeeServiceHistory where effectivedate <=@date and empno=@empno) where effectivedate>=@date and recordtype in (select RecordType from EmployeeServiceRecordType where GroupType='salary') and empno=@empno
update employeeservicehistory set NoOfDisChild = (select top 1 NoOfDisChild from EmployeeServiceHistory where effectivedate <=@date and empno=@empno) where effectivedate>=@date and recordtype in (select RecordType from EmployeeServiceRecordType where GroupType='salary') and empno=@empno
update employeeservicehistory set NoOfDisChildA18 = (select top 1 NoOfDisChildA18 from EmployeeServiceHistory where effectivedate <=@date and empno=@empno) where effectivedate>=@date and recordtype in (select RecordType from EmployeeServiceRecordType where GroupType='salary') and empno=@empno
update employeeservicehistory set NoOfDisChildA18b = (select top 1 NoOfDisChildA18b from EmployeeServiceHistory where effectivedate <=@date and empno=@empno) where effectivedate>=@date and recordtype in (select RecordType from EmployeeServiceRecordType where GroupType='salary') and empno=@empno
update employeeservicehistory set NoOfChildTax = (select top 1 NoOfChildTax from EmployeeServiceHistory where effectivedate <=@date and empno=@empno) where effectivedate>=@date and recordtype in (select RecordType from EmployeeServiceRecordType where GroupType='salary') and empno=@empno
update employeeservicehistory set NoOfChildB18 = (select top 1 NoOfChildB18 from EmployeeServiceHistory where effectivedate <=@date and empno=@empno) where effectivedate>=@date and recordtype in (select RecordType from EmployeeServiceRecordType where GroupType='salary') and empno=@empno
update employeeservicehistory set NoOfChildB18b = (select top 1 NoOfChildB18b from EmployeeServiceHistory where effectivedate <=@date and empno=@empno) where effectivedate>=@date and recordtype in (select RecordType from EmployeeServiceRecordType where GroupType='salary') and empno=@empno
update employeeservicehistory set NoOfDisChildb = (select top 1 NoOfDisChildb from EmployeeServiceHistory where effectivedate <=@date and empno=@empno) where effectivedate>=@date and recordtype in (select RecordType from EmployeeServiceRecordType where GroupType='salary') and empno=@empno
update employeeservicehistory set NoOfDisChildA18b = (select top 1 NoOfDisChildA18b from EmployeeServiceHistory where effectivedate <=@date and empno=@empno) where effectivedate>=@date and recordtype in (select RecordType from EmployeeServiceRecordType where GroupType='salary') and empno=@empno
update employeeservicehistory set NoOfChild = (select top 1 NoOfChild from EmployeeServiceHistory where effectivedate <=@date and empno=@empno) where effectivedate>=@date and recordtype in (select RecordType from EmployeeServiceRecordType where GroupType='salary') and empno=@empno
update employeeservicehistory set TotalChildRelief = (select top 1 TotalChildRelief from EmployeeServiceHistory where effectivedate <=@date and empno=@empno) where effectivedate>=@date and recordtype in (select RecordType from EmployeeServiceRecordType where GroupType='salary') and empno=@empno
update employeeservicehistory set TotalChild = (select top 1 TotalChild from EmployeeServiceHistory where effectivedate <=@date and empno=@empno) where effectivedate>=@date and recordtype in (select RecordType from EmployeeServiceRecordType where GroupType='salary') and empno=@empno

fetch next from curEmp into @empno

close curEmp
deallocate curEmp
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